Comparing AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins for Continuous Delivery

October 29, 2021


Continuous Delivery is a crucial aspect of modern software development, allowing organizations to deliver software changes quickly and effectively. Cloud Orchestration tools like AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins have revolutionized the way organizations approach Continuous Delivery. In this blog post, we will compare AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins, two of the most popular Cloud Orchestration tools, and help you decide which one to choose.

AWS CodeDeploy

AWS CodeDeploy is a fully managed deployment service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It simplifies the process of deploying new software changes to EC2 instances or on-premise servers. CodeDeploy automates the deployment process and ensures that the latest version of your application is deployed consistently.


AWS CodeDeploy offers the following features:

  • Automated deployments - You can automate the entire deployment process, ensuring that the latest version of your application is deployed consistently.
  • Deployment tracking - You can track the status of your deployments and quickly identify any errors or issues.
  • Integrations - CodeDeploy integrates with other AWS services such as EC2, S3, CloudWatch, and others.
  • Customizable deployment configurations - You can specify how many instances to deploy to, which deployment groups to use, and more.
  • Rollback feature - You can easily roll back to a previous version of your application in case of issues.


AWS CodeDeploy offers fast and reliable deployment times, with a success rate of over 99%. The service can deploy changes to multiple instances simultaneously, allowing for faster deployments.

Ease of Use

AWS CodeDeploy can be challenging to set up initially, but its integration with other AWS services like EC2 and S3 makes it an ideal choice for organizations already using AWS. The user interface is simple and intuitive, allowing you to quickly create and manage deployment configurations.


Jenkins is an open-source automation server used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. It offers a wide range of plugins that allow you to customize and extend its functionality.


Jenkins offers the following features:

  • Wide range of plugins - Jenkins offers over 1,500 plugins, allowing you to customize and extend its functionality.
  • Easy setup - Jenkins is easy to set up, and you can get it up and running quickly.
  • Script automation - You can automate your deployments using scripts, allowing for greater flexibility in your deployment process.
  • Integrations - Jenkins integrates with popular development tools such as Git, GitHub, and others.


Jenkins is known for its flexibility, but it can be resource-intensive. Performance can vary depending on the size of your deployment pipeline and the number of plugins you use.

Ease of Use

Jenkins can be challenging for non-technical users, and its wide range of plugins can make it confusing to navigate. Setting up a deployment pipeline in Jenkins can take some time, but its flexibility and customization options make it an excellent choice for organizations with unique deployment requirements.


Both AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins offer powerful features to help you achieve Continuous Delivery. AWS CodeDeploy's integration with other AWS services and automated deployment features make it an ideal choice for organizations already using AWS. Jenkins, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility and customization options, making it an excellent choice for organizations with unique deployment requirements.

Ultimately, the choice between AWS CodeDeploy and Jenkins depends on your organization's needs. We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision.


[1] AWS CodeDeploy documentation. Available at [2] Jenkins documentation. Available at [3] "AWS CodeDeploy vs Jenkins: What are the differences?" by Stackshare. Available at

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